
New How To Hack Using Keylogger

Keystroke logging (often called keylogging) is the action of tracking (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored(Source Wikepedia)
The keylogger iam gonna use here is Ardamax keylogger,Ardamax keylogger is one of the popularlyused keylogger,since it is very easy to use.
So iam going to start my tutorial. Follow these steps and Make A Working Keylogger
1) Download Ardamax Keylogger
(Password for the rar folder is
(Make sure that you have Microsoft .Net Framework installed in your Windows.
You can download it via Else it wont work)
2)Install Ardamax Keylogger(It may be detected as virus But it is actually safe to use…so disable your antivirus)
3)After installing Register Ardamax (use the keygen To get registeration Code)(check the following pic to know hw to register)
4)After completing registering Then Again Right click the Ardamax Icon On the  Right of the startMenu(Like This)
5)Now a new dialogue box will appear Just click On Next until a New dialogue Box appear saying Web Update Just uncheck-Check for updates
6)Then again click Next until a A box saying Control Appear,then enable send logs,And prefer your delivery method Better use FTP(Confirm everything with this picture)
7)Then agin click On next..then a new box will that box you must enter your FTP Details.And For getting a FTP serevr,
Go to and register a account thereAnd when u logged into your account you will get the FTP details of your justfree account
8) After getting the FTP information..then start filling  The FTP Info In The Installation(like this)And dont forget to make a directory in justfree account)
9) Now click on Next until finish button appears there Dont change anything anywere and if you need then you can change the icon of the file you are gng to create,and you can also choose the directory were the keylogger must be saved.
10)After Clicking On finish button A new file will be created and it will be deafaultily named as install.exe
And Now You are done you have succesfully created your keylogger,Now you can send this to your victim And when your victim runs this all the logs from his computer will be Sent to your justfree Account……Enjoy Hacking :P